True Crime & Headlines with Jules + Jen

BONUS: Jo's "Haunted" Sleepovers and Other Eerie Experiences: Recounting Our Alleged Paranormal Encounters

November 10, 2023 AnnLee Audio House LLC Season 1 Episode 15

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Here we go- as promised in our Bell Witch episode- a....BONUS! This is NOT a true crime case. It's Jules andJo chatting about Jo's experiences with what she believes was a type of entity growing up. 
Jules is a bit more of a skeptic....join us and let us know what YOU think! 
We love you! 
We try to limit the off-case banter in our case episodes, so this was a little extra extra so those who wanted a casual best friend chat can come back, but those who prefer to stay strictly business can skip. :)

Xox Jules & Jo
You deserve to be found & your butt looks great.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome back to True Crime at Headlines. This is Jules and I'm Jo, and this is a bonus ghost stories. Nothing like telling ghost stories in the closet of my 1906 Victorian farmhouse, where somebody has been documented to have died in. I think we do have a line drawn between us where I think I am not a oh, I'm a believer. I am like I don't know, but I am willing to hear you. I believe that you believe what happened.

Speaker 1:

So, this is not a story of true crime. This is your best friend duo just chatting away giving you a bonus, because I wanted to hear the stories that Jo mentioned in our last episode, where she said she was haunted and I thought maybe you would want to.

Speaker 2:

So I'm going on the fly. I was not prepared to do this, so this is like I'm pulling these up from deep, deep memory, so bear with me as I stumble through these. Yeah, okay, it all started when.

Speaker 1:

I just clicked a random but wrong one. Unfortunately, this one goes on forever. Oh no, how do I undo that? Okay, don't worry, I turned the volume down, all right. So wait, even if the volume goes down, is it still playing? I think it does. It still plays. Yeah, all right, jo, you've got some sad music. Go ahead and start this off.

Speaker 2:

How long does that one go for Just?

Speaker 1:

talk over it. It's a mood.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so I want to say it was all around.

Speaker 1:

That's your mood voice.

Speaker 2:

I want to say I got nothing. I want to say it all started when I was like 12-ish, 10, 12-ish, and so we lived in this neighborhood most of my life in the house kind of diagonal from. It was very much like a grid neighborhood right. And so the house diagonally behind us, all the houses were divided by chain link fence and the house diagonal behind us my sister and I would babysit for them occasionally or if they were out of town, we would dog sit for them. And so they had two like, I think, palmaranians or what they called Bogey and I can't remember the other, halle and Bogey. I can't remember, it matters, it does matter. And then they had like a at the time like a two-year-old-ish little boy. So their house always kind of creeped me out. I just had a weird feeling about it. But I didn't know anything about ghosts or anything at the time. I just always kind of felt like on edge there, right.

Speaker 2:

So one night I was babysitting the little boy I think his name was Andrew and we were in the living room watching TV and all of a sudden there was this incredibly bright flash that like came and went so, so quickly but like blinding flash. It was like a camera flash times a million. Right, where was it In the living room, just like boom, there it was, like it filled the entire room. Yes, came and got it Like before you could even like blink or think, and it was kind of disorienting because it was so fast and it was so bright. And I looked at the little boy and he said Bogey on fire, bogey on fire, what?

Speaker 2:

And I said what? And he said Bogey's on fire. So I don't know, he was two so he couldn't communicate well, but it sounds like he witnessed the little dog appearing to be on fire. Right, the little Pomeranian, super creepy, whatever. Finished my babysitting shift. Did you do a visual check on the dog? Yeah, the dog was right there in the living room. I wasn't looking at the dog when the flash came, but the dog was in the living room with us.

Speaker 2:

Nothing was wrong with the dog, nothing was wrong with the dog, so finished my shift like babysitting mom and dad came home I didn't say anything because it was just such a weird experience I couldn't make sense of it right. So I go out the back door, jump the fence, come home, Jump the fence, Creeped out.

Speaker 1:

That's very outsider's-esque.

Speaker 2:

Creeped out whatever. So a couple weeks later slumber party, my friend Lindsay, with House Shout out Lindsay and we were all in the basement. In the morning we had woken up and some of us were kind of laying around in our sleeping bags talking and some of us had already gone upstairs to have breakfast. And in Lindsay's house she had this little tiny window. It was like in the basement but there's this one little tiny window kind of up high and we're just chit chatting and next thing I know, the same freaking bright light.

Speaker 1:

What filled the room? Where does she live in?

Speaker 2:

in adjacent to or in a jayson. Oh, she lives like 10, 15 minutes down the road, oh so it's following you fill the room, Okay ma'am. Okay and so like all again very disorienting. Everyone looked at each other like what was what you all saw?

Speaker 2:

We all saw how many girls, I don't know, probably like six of us call Lindsay right now Some. Does she remember it? Oh, I'm sure she. I don't remember who was downstairs and who was already upstairs. Okay, so we were all like I did not, I did not admit to a soul I probably haven't to this day that had seen that damn light before so Freaking out. We run upstairs, everyone's like no, we don't believe. We put our hands on a Bible, sworn a Bible that we all saw this. He sounded so southern, the Bible, but our hands on a Bible. All swore that we saw it and Didn't really speak of it again. Again, okay, but pause.

Speaker 1:

As soon as it happened, you all, simultaneously yes, reacted at once. It wasn't, you reacted in the everyone at the same time.

Speaker 2:

Okay, all right, I'm checking Um and so again, if any of those girls are listening, it's probably the first time they've heard that I had seen that light before. So, surprise, I know right, it was me, I was, I was haunted, so then. So when you say that the spirit falls the bells, versus like the, the house, like I'm tracking, so then my gosh, there's more. Oh yeah, not long after that. This is so interesting. We, I'm at my house and you know I don't. I I've heard that my aunt Donna shout out. Aunt Donna, she lives in Knoxville now but at the time lived in California and I'd heard that she had spirits that lived in her house with her and she would like Talk to them. Like she engaged with them and even when she was played on the move moving to Tennessee from California, she Sat down and had a conversation with them that she was leaving and they were welcome to come with her, and and so I kind of like, was like that's kind of whatever so Didn't think much of it, whatever.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I'm like 1012, right. So we're sitting around my mom, dad, me, sister I don't remember who else was there but sit in the kitchen, and off of our kitchen are there's like three steps down to the living room in the back door. I get up To go I don't know, get out of my chair to go do something. My chair physically Lifts, flies down the stairs and hits the back door.

Speaker 1:

Everybody sees it you stand up, yeah, so behind you it just flies down.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the three steps, yeah, like it's not far, like it's not close enough to the steps to like just tumble down the steps. Like it moved down the steps and hit the back door. Did it look like it was being pushed? My back was to it, so I don't know who saw it. Everyone that was in there. They were like what in the? My family, my whole family, what was that? Okay, eerie, creepy, whatever. Not long after that, we're in the kitchen again, I think this time I don't remember, it's all blur. It's so long ago. I I'm not sure if anybody was there or not we had a toaster. That was a toaster oven. It was kind of hanging from Underneath the cabinets, right, dad had it mounted there and all of a sudden that thing started shaking. You could visibly see it shaking.

Speaker 1:

A milf nowhere. Oh Okay, I thought you're gonna say it caught on fire, whatever like that vibes with the 90s right.

Speaker 2:

No, I did catch a marshmallow on fire in there, but that was my fault, that was not a guest. Um, another time I'm in my bedroom getting ready and, um, all the sudden I had a boom box, black boom box. All of a sudden the music is like blaring, quiet, blaring, quiet, blaring. What my mom's like? What, jodi, what is? I'm not doing it. I look over and on the boom box, like on the volume ball, like volume button, there's a little white, like slash, so you know where the volume is when you're turning it. It's moving, oh, it's moving, and I'm like oh, my gosh, you know. And then it stops. What?

Speaker 1:

song was it playing I?

Speaker 2:

have no idea. I was just so freaking scared. I need the details. I just turned it off bitty, bitty bum.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, selena, another time my aunt Deanna had also recently passed my mom's sister and she was an obese woman, hilarious and obese and I mean I have no idea what she weighed, but quite a bit. No, it's fine as far as joy. So I'm in the bathroom and I go step on the scale and I visibly it was. It's not one where like it comes up with like the digital number. It's it. It was many years ago because I'm a granny and so it's like you have the two-year-old, I do have two and son and five-year-old. It's fine. And you saw, I saw the numbers right before I stepped on it track backwards to the highest number on it. It was like 299 or something like track backwards. And then it stopped right there and got stuck.

Speaker 2:

Another time I was At a friend over. We didn't have school that day. I think it was in the summer and I think I was in fifth grade, because it was Cora and I had just taken a shower and I was going in the bathroom to blow dry my hair and we have like a huge mirror in there right and I'm standing in front of the mirror with my blow dryer getting ready to turn it on. I hadn't turned on yet. Cora was next to me. All of a sudden this smoke, like fog, filled the like space above my head in the mirror and Cora and I Bolted right like bolted down the stairs outside. Cora still has not gone into my house since refused. And when we can't explain it, like we don't mind, the blow dryer was not on at the time, but it was a figure forming above my head. Okay, I Hear you mm-hmm.

Speaker 1:

Is there anything scarier? Oh, okay, but the lights. The light one gives a lot of credibility was really free.

Speaker 2:

That was the scariest of all of them. So hold on, don't come off yet, okay. So At this point, like my mom had witnessed it, my dad had went. Like everyone knew this thing was following me, it was clear that it was me, right?

Speaker 1:

as as she sits in my house.

Speaker 2:

It was following me. So we call my aunt. We're sitting, my mom calls my aunt, so this is what's going on with Joe. Like we, we, what do you suggest? The aunt who?

Speaker 1:

talks, talks to her spirit, spirits to come with her on adventure.

Speaker 2:

So she says yeah, absolutely, it sounds like it. So what you need to say is Out loud, jody has to say and the name of Jesus Christ, I command you to get out of my house. And at that point they, they have to. They don't have any jurisdiction over over the Lord. And so I sat there and I said in the name of Jesus Christ, I command you to get out of my house. And it stopped. It stopped, I'm telling you, it quit. Nothing happened after that. So there have been times you guys are thinking McWack there have been times since that that I feel like weird presence, like weird things happen. I'm really freaked out and I will say out loud it hasn't happened a long time, but I would say out loud and they would use Christ, I command you to get on my house and then it'll stop interesting every time.

Speaker 1:

you know, I Guess if you're a believer in Christ, you can't go wrong with saying that out loud and feeling like you give me a look, listen, don't believe me. It's not that I don't believe you, this I do believe that it was hell happened to you. It was hell. Have you looked up the light thing before? No okay, pause, I'm gonna look it up, hold on. So we're back. We did a quick sleuthing of the interwebs. What did you find, joe?

Speaker 2:

Other people have experienced this. It's a real.

Speaker 1:

Nobody has an explanation for it now you can skew you your search results in towards your bias with how you look it up. So I did look up what is the spiritual meaning of seeing bright lights? What is a paranormal meaning of seeing bright lights? What is the scientific explanation of seeing bright flashes of lights? And there are different explanations.

Speaker 2:

But they all explain the same thing. They said it's a bright camera, flash, but faster.

Speaker 1:

And that's exactly what I said, like that is why are you know, it's so funny because we are so similar, but we're also so very we're more different than some very different the only similarities we just love each other, but we're so different in that I have to know things like I'm. So I'm such a curious guy, I have to know, and so I cannot, so scared.

Speaker 2:

Well, we didn't have our phones in the internet, that is bizarre.

Speaker 1:

You know I don't have any Stories. People ask me all the time if my house has haunted and I'm like well, if it is, they love me.

Speaker 2:

This was not a friendly foe. It was very scary or any foes friendly. I think that there are friendly like Definition of foe, friend or foe if, like, for example, my mom who's dead, if, if she's my mom with me, like that's, that feels good and it's not scary. This thing was very threatening.

Speaker 1:

Whatever. Well, wouldn't that be what you were talking about? The difference between a ghost and yeah, demon. Yeah, definition of foe. We should interview me or opponents. There is no such thing as a good foe. There's always a bad foe, sorry, we should interview my aunt Donna. She knows all about ghosts, she's someone alive, right, okay, I just went check, cuz you know, oh, donna and Dina Donna which one was Dina?

Speaker 2:

I don't have a Dina.

Speaker 1:

Who's Dina, hmm, oh my goodness, whoa, I'm getting a name. Sorry, okay, I had one thing happen in this house. Fine, I'll admit it. Okay, you're ready. So my dad is called granddaddy, or audio Steve, grandpa, steve, my kids call him granddaddy, and my son when he was really really little yeah, well, he's always little, he's a. He's a tiny little thing.

Speaker 1:

We were upstairs in the room and I think he was too, and he wasn't speaking very clearly at the time and he, we are upstairs in our bedroom and he looks in the doorway and he waves and I, like we're doing this Because it was just me and him. You know, john was flying life flight at the time. He was gone all the time at night shift and I was like, oh great, scott, middle of nowhere, this old creaky house. And he got up another night from his crib and stood up and waved again in the doorway and I was cool, love this for me. And One night he woke up screaming and I picked him up and I was holding him and rocking him and he was crying and reaching out towards the doorway, yelling granddaddy, I want granddaddy, which was bizarre. And his dad is alive. He's alive, and my dad he doesn't come upstairs at that time. There's no need for him to come upstairs, like my son had not seen him upstairs. It was very bizarre. But my Granddad, whom my son's middle almost said his name we don't do that here, but his middle name is named after my, my grandfather, who was my best friend, and so it was just.

Speaker 1:

It was this interesting, comforting moment. Yeah, and there was one other thing where I was downstairs and I felt my Dad's mother who had passed. I felt her looking at me. It's so bizarre I can't explain it out of no, I'm like she's because she used to stare at me. She was my I'm so we're so similar and I, she used to just look at me and talk about my features. She was a very peculiar, funny woman. I could feel her staring at me. It was, but that's all, that's all. I have nothing else.

Speaker 2:

That reminds me. One night, my oldest, when I was rocking her to sleep, she looked up in the corner of her room and said nigh-night, grandma, and wave too. I remember that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, forget about that. Yeah, it's bizarre. I I Don't know and I'm wondering if I struggle with the religious aspect of saying things out loud, if I believe or not, like sometimes I'm like Resorting back to what am I supposed to believe? What am I supposed to think? What's right, what's not right? And I don't know if I'm conditioned with institutionalized religion.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think I Wouldn't believe either, but when it happens to you there's no deny. I mean that all the other stuff the Most of the other things was the exception of the light could have been explained away very easily, but the light those two times was the most frightening and you can't shake it like you can't not believe it after you experience that I was at my friend Katie's house Hi, katie and they heard thumping and and stuff in their attic before and there was, I Think, gosh.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna have to Clarify the story with her, but somehow there was like someone walked through the attic and there was a hole in their ceiling and this was a new build of their. I mean, their house wasn't old, it was in a neighborhood in White House but it was near burial grounds, allegedly. But when I was at her house we heard this loud thump in her attic and she goes and I said let's go get it. We went up into her attic and I started taking pictures looking for orbs. I found nothing, but we both. It was so loud and it was so audible and you can feel the vibrations. We both heard it and it was so bizarre. She goes yeah, that's, that's totally Crazy. I know it's crazy.

Speaker 1:

I did lots of different stories. I feel like people will. This will spark stories that people will remember. So I'll put up a little post on our Instagram. If you have a story, if you could share it on there for us to read about.

Speaker 1:

I have friends who have insane stories that I will not share because they're not my stories, but I've been on many. Oh, you know what, before we go, I went on a ghost hunt and had something happen to me. So she's giving me like I told you. So look, we went not, joe, sorry me and some other girlfriends went on a girls trip for Katie's 40th birthday down in St Augustine, florida, and on Friday the 13th which I always say is my lucky day, friday the 13th we did a haunting ghost tour midnight tour of the St Augustine lighthouse, which is allegedly the oldest haunting in in the country, so the oldest town in the country and we were in this room and while the host was telling us about how these girls' spirits were allegedly haunting and trapped in these places and they like to play games with people I get the coldest brush of air on the back of my neck.

Speaker 1:

It felt like ice, to the point that I mean it moved my hair. I whipped around and I look up because I'm sitting on the bench, and I look up at my friend Lindsay and I said why did you do that? And she goes what? Like, don't do that, like, don't mess with me here, like, and she to this day says she never did that and she was getting frustrated with me because I, you know, I don't let things go. I'm like I will ride this wave to the shore. And she says I didn't do anything. And that is one of the things that one of the hosts, the tour guides, told us is people can feel blowing or hair pulling. And then, katie, while we were outside, underneath the light tower, the lighthouse, she felt cold air gush and blow on her calf, on her leg. So anyway, that's that. Ooh, yeah, I know for me.

Speaker 2:

It's crazy.

Speaker 1:

Are you a believer?

Speaker 2:

now I see why you don't believe.

Speaker 1:

So this is the end of our spooky season. We did have a little bit of a bump in the road because of my recovery, for surgery was a little. She's a baby. Yeah, it was a little longer than I anticipated, but we are rocking and rolling and this was just. This isn't taking the place of another episode. This is just extra because we're chatty and you don't have to listen, but we love you. You're a bestie. So we're here. Have a good day. Oh, we're done. Okay, have a good day. Love you. Bye, stay spooky and late. I'll see.

Speaker 2:

My mama is a podcaster. I chip.

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