True Crime & Headlines with Jules + Jen

Unraveling the Unsolved: Keith Roberson's Mysterious Texas Disappearance//Ep. 16 Part 2 of 2

December 20, 2023 AnnLee Audio House LLC Season 1 Episode 16

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Have you ever laid awake at night, pondering the fate of someone you once knew who just vanished into thin air? The perplexing disappearance of Keith Robertson, a 26-year-old from Texas, holds a narrative rife with unanswered questions and a mother's unwavering resolve. 

As Sharmon, Keith's relentless mother, navigates the thorny path of searching for her son, we walk alongside her, sharing in the frustration and heartbreak. Imagine knocking on countless doors, piecing together a son's last movements, while grappling with the legal complexities slowing down the search. We explore the influence of Keith's legal issues, his father Bubba's bewildering behavior, and the potential impact of personal struggles on his disappearance. Each twist in this tale beckons us to consider the darker corners of a life interrupted, where every lead begs more questions than it answers.

The community's role in rallying together for those gone missing, regardless of their past, is a powerful testament to our shared humanity. In our conversation, we amplify Sharmon's impassioned plea for a united front in the search for the lost. Through her eyes, we see the value of every individual, and her message resonates as a poignant reminder of our societal duty. This episode isn't just a recount of a tragic mystery; it's a call to action, urging us to uphold the belief that every person, including Keith, deserves to be found and remembered.

Xoxo Jules & Jo

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Speaker 1:

Welcome back to True Crime and Headlines with Jules and Joe. I'm Jules and I'm Joe, and I'm a former educator and a lifelong answer seeker and I am amazing.

Speaker 2:

Ha ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha.

Speaker 1:

No, true, her word was ever spoken and she is. I'm a mental health professional most days, most days, and together we seek out the why and not just the how behind the cases. And hey, we're so glad you're here If you are in Woo woo. Yeah, OK.

Speaker 2:

Party Joe.

Speaker 1:

And I was talking to you, joe the steroid.

Speaker 2:

Jules, you're in steroids For my respiratory infection. I sound a little nasally, a little a little hype my steroid. You always sound horrible in this studio because you're allergic to the. Oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

The blanket's on the wall.

Speaker 2:

I'm so sorry she's not gotten rid of the blanket.

Speaker 1:

Mewing, all right. Well, this is episode 16, part two of two, and this is missing in Texas, keith Robertson. So if you've not yet listened to part one, just go back and do so and then rejoin us here. We will always be thankful to have you back when you are ready, joe. I was talking to you too, woo. Whenever you're ready, joe, we got you back.

Speaker 1:

This is the case of the disappearance of 26 year old Caucasian male, stephen Keith Robertson, who was last seen on foot fleeing the scene of a two car collision on an interstate in Sonora, texas, on September 5th 2018. In part one, we told you that we would dive into what happened. Where is Keith? How did he go from running erratically from his truck at the scene of the collision to still missing in 2023? You know, in part one, we told you that we would dive deeper into what happened. Where is Keith? How did he go from running erratically from the truck he borrowed from his aunt's boyfriend at the scene of the collision to still missing today, in 2023? You guys, that's over five years, five years ago, without a single trace of Keith Robertson. Nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing.

Speaker 1:

And the truth is, we don't know. And we don't know because, according to a 911 call which was allegedly made to the police in Sutton County, which is West Texas, keith was running through the traffic trying to flag cars down. Joe, he's waving his arms trying to get cars to stop, but get this. This is really odd. When a driver does stop and he pulls over and asks Keith hey, do you need some help? What's going on? Keith flees from him and continues to try to flag other cars down and he's never to be seen again. Odd right, that doesn't make any sense. It doesn't make any sense.

Speaker 2:

Well, we don't know if he stopped to help the other person or even check on them, right?

Speaker 1:

According to police, who reported to Sharman that there were eyewitnesses that said Keith fled the scene. It's not documented as a witness statement from anyone, it's just by word of mouth, which is not appropriate police protocol. And tell me what time this accident occurred? This is between 9 and 10 PM. Ok, yeah, on September 5. So it's dark, it's night and so he's running through at night. So you also have to wonder visibility, what people were actually able to see, and this was a busy road.

Speaker 2:

Were there any?

Speaker 1:

drugs in the car. No, well, let's go into the police file and look into the eyewitness reports. Because, hey, if the police told Sharman Roberson, keith's mother, that a 911 caller witnessed Keith flee the scene, wouldn't they have access to that caller to take a report? Wouldn't that be something a police officer would want to track down An eyewitness to a crash?

Speaker 1:

where the person severely injured and the person responsible fled the scene. Wouldn't you follow up to get a written statement? If you think this person is now worthy of a charge and now has a warrant out for their arrest, which he does, wouldn't you want to build your case? Just a question, yeah, yeah, well, it was not happening. It did not happen. Just put that bluntly. There's no report of the person who made the call. There's no written eyewitness reports. There is a reference to he was seen fleeing the scene on foot, but by who, big Bird? You can't tell me who it was. It doesn't matter then. You cannot claim to know that unless you tell me who saw it at the scene. Yeah, it seems strange.

Speaker 1:

Ok, sutton County Sheriff's Office posted this on their official Facebook page on September 9, 2018. Quote wanted. Subject Stephen Keith Robertson. Sutton County Sheriff's Office is looking for information on this subject. Involved in a motor vehicle collision 95-2018, resulting in serious bodily injury, keith Robertson fled the scene prior to units arriving and has not been heard from. Keith may have been picked up on IH 10. About the 415 westbound mile marker. Keith has two active felony warrants from Sutton County. If you have any information on this subject, please call the Sutton County Sheriff's Office at 325-387-2288 or message us on Facebook. End quote. So they put officially two warrants out for his arrest.

Speaker 2:

Those two charges or warrants, whatever they called them were not from former charges. Those were the result of the accident.

Speaker 1:

That's what we are led to believe, because in the police report it does for the crash scene it does say the charges against him. And I'll go into those, the two of them.

Speaker 2:

I mean so much could happen. He could have his truck flipped, he could have had a hit, injury, it could be substance use.

Speaker 1:

Well, I don't know the flipping or the spinning. It wasn't clear to me the exact projectory of the, regardless.

Speaker 2:

It was an accident that caused serious bodily injury to somebody else Exactly. So it would not be out of the question for him to have obtained a significant head injury as well.

Speaker 1:

Exactly Now. I did ask Sharman about Keith's active felony warrants, so I did ask her about that just to follow up, and she wasn't sure if there were any previously. She didn't know and I tried to look into that information. I wasn't able to access that information, which I'm typically able to, but I was not able to at this point. I don't know, it could be my error, but I did not see those. I did see the two active ones from that crash that we're talking about in question Now.

Speaker 1:

According to the website, the Charlie Project if you've not gone onto the Charlie Project, it's a great nonprofit that helps bring awareness to missing people. The Charlie Project says, quote "'Missing from Sonora, texas. "'he's classified Joe as endangered missing'". He is six foot two, 175 through 185 pounds. He had a T-shirt, jeans and steel-toed boots on, and it says he is a Caucasian male.

Speaker 1:

Brown hair, hazel eyes Roberson may go by his middle name, keith or the nickname Dirty. His left ear lobe is split except for his face, head and neck. His entire body is covered in tattoos, and you guys listen up, because these are the specific tattoos that you'd want to be on the lookout for while you're looking out for Keith in any Texas or surrounding areas. These are the identifying ones. He's got two women's heads on his chest, the phrase prepared for the worst praying for the best on his collarbone, an eagle with wings on the right side of his torso, the phrase like father on the left side of his torso, a drawing of the actress Marilyn Monroe on his back, a ship's anchor on the inside of his left arm, a dove on his right forearm, a ribbon around a cross on his right arm and the phrase quote snitches, get stitches. Quote on his left leg and skulls on his right leg. And it concludes by saying Roberson is colorblind.

Speaker 1:

So, taking a look at the scene report that was provided to me, I did want to share the charges, the takeaway that I took from this report. Now it doesn't have so much information for us. Again, information is limited in this case as far as the days of proceeding and going forward from the accident. But the two charges. One charge was fail to drive in a single lane. I didn't know that was a charge. It's a charge here we are.

Speaker 1:

And then fail to stop and render aid, resulting in serious bodily injury.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so that's our answer, right there.

Speaker 1:

Yep. Now we find ourselves in the morning hours of September 6th. Keith does not arrive to work Something he would not typically do, as we discussed in part one because he loved a job. He's trying to turn his life around, albeit he was still in the wrong crowd, still responsible for his own actions, but the compartmentalized part of him going to work and it's almost like two different Keith's Remain there yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so he really cared about his career so he would show up. So it's not like him to not show up. Keith's father, bubba, actually was working with Keith at the same job site at this time. He joined Keith at this job site in the oil field so he was able to know immediately when Keith was absent for work. Bubba then calls his ex-wife, keith's mother, charmotte Now she lives a couple hours away in the next town and he tells her hey, keith isn't at work, can you get ahold of him? She's not worried at first because Keith's recent behaviors. He's going back down a darker route, like he had done before.

Speaker 2:

What was her? Let me pause you there. What was her evidence for that? How did she know he was kind of getting engaged with things he shouldn't be? What does that?

Speaker 1:

mean he was very open with her, from my understanding, and she knew the people he was hanging around were not into good things, and so I think she was extrapolating the information from you. Hang around the bonfire, you're gonna smell like smoke.

Speaker 2:

They found the acid in the car. At one point she knew he did marijuana. At one point Did she speculate about what substances he was using with these people? No, okay, I'm just curious with that.

Speaker 1:

Not to me, okay, but again, she does appear to have a very, very realistic view that her son was struggling and she's very open about that, and we've talked about that here at True Crime and Headlines so often. Is no matter if they were struggling, strung out on drugs. Our flow chart for the police is this person missing? Yes, okay, search for them. Yeah, find them first, then the consequences for their choices Can you come next? No one is above searching.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I agree. I am just really curious about his tattoo like father, and so I'm wondering what that means specifically.

Speaker 1:

I am very curious about that one too. That one really stuck out to me Also. Snitches get stitches Is such a culture in those type of circles In prison.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, money at prison tat.

Speaker 1:

Prison, tat, drug related tat. It's just this mindset of you don't, you don't snitch, and I'm wondering if that all kind of comes into play and ultimately contributes to Keith's missing status. So she's not worried, like I said at first, about him because she doesn't have rose-colored glasses about what's going on with Keith. She knows that his girlfriend and him have a really rocky relationship. She knows the girlfriend was also previously in jail. She knows the friends he's been hanging around with. So maybe Keith just stayed up too late partying and this is the time where he overslept, or maybe he was out with his girlfriend. You know she does call Keith's phone over and over again and he doesn't answer. And again, she's still not that worried at this point.

Speaker 1:

So a few hours go by and that's when Sharman begins to worry, because now that's not like him to ignore his mother for that long. Now she reports to me that she takes her time getting ready to drive the few hours to where Keith was living in the RV on site and working. And she was advised by her lifelong childhood friend who was actually high up in law enforcement, a sheriff in her hometown which was about six hours away from where she was currently living. And she tells him and he says go ahead and file a missing persons report. So she does and she then receives a phone call that day stating that Texas authorities have information about what happened to Keith. And they tell her your son was involved in a two car collision and he fled the scene and he is now missing.

Speaker 1:

She immediately knows something is wrong with Keith. She says this is so out of character for him to flee a scene. If he knew someone else was injured to that degree he would not flee the scene, according to Sharman. She said that was not his character. My question is was he on drugs?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean substances can change your character, but now we have two incidents that could have caused some sort of head injury.

Speaker 1:

Yes, we just don't have enough information. We don't have enough information, which is extremely frustrating for all parties involved. Sharman began doing what a mom does best. She goes full mom beast mode and she begins searching all over West Texas for her boy Keith. This is her only son, y'all. She knocks on doors. She visits gas stations asking, showing pictures. Have you seen Keith? Has anyone seen him? Have you heard anything about him? Maybe he was injured. Is it possible? Like you said, Joe, he had head trauma Because he disoriented. Maybe he was picked up and dropped off somewhere. Could he have been intoxicated and or on drugs and not aware?

Speaker 2:

of the fact that his body was never found Correct. Where is he?

Speaker 1:

Correct. So could he have panicked and fled the scene because he wasn't in his right mind? So, yeah, could. He thought, oh my gosh, I killed this man and fled the scene. It's possible If she knows that her son wouldn't have fled because she knows he wouldn't have left someone injured. What if he thought this person was already dead and he's on drugs, not in his right mind, fled the scene? Fighter flight kicks in, panic. I don't want to go back to jail. My job's at stake, something I really really care about. So now I'm fleeing the scene. He seems erratic and disoriented anyway, when that guy stops him too, yeah, according to quote unquote eye witnesses.

Speaker 1:

So we talked in part one about Keith's family history of his dad having been diagnosed with bipolar. His dad also had a history of being on drugs. Now we don't know his current state of life choices because we're not involved with Bubba. We haven't heard from Bubba, we haven't reached out to Bubba and we want to remain the focus on Keith, and Keith's mom is the mouthpiece, the one leading the charge to find her son. So that's why we have the information from Sharman and not from Keith's father. A search was conducted of a nearby land, so there was this big kind of resort area with a lot of acres for hunters, right off that interstate where Keith was last seen, and they were able to get permission to search this area and a helicopter was provided and it actually ended up being paid for by the managers of the facility. Yeah, really sweet gift and they were praying with Sharman and crying with her and it was just very, very sweet. They just saw this mom distraught, trying to find her son.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and her friend who was the sheriff in the hometown came down and he was there with her and hands up being a really big advocate in pressuring the local department to actually do more. Do your job, let's go. And they went up in the helicopter and people were out on foot and horses on horses, searching the land. They found nothing. What in the world? They found nothing. And it would take two and a half years for Keith to officially be put on a missing persons list. Do you want to guess why?

Speaker 2:

Because he has a warrant.

Speaker 1:

Yes, we learned about that with Kay Elana, that they told her she could not be listed as missing if she had an active warrant for fleeing the police. We also learned that was not true. There are ways around it, and it took two and a half years to finally get Keith listed as missing, and that's because Sharman had to make a scene, raise some hell to get him put on a missing persons list. Now she says to me that she was asked by one of the officers on the case. Why would you want a missing person when he's got warrants out? Oh dear, let me list the ways. Yeah, it's quite dismissive. Wow, yeah, and that came from Sharman. That was her. That was what she told Her perspective yeah.

Speaker 1:

Her perspective, what she told me. But you know, we've talked about this. Are they on drugs? We don't care, we don't care. Can you say, oh, he's a crappy person. He fled the scene.

Speaker 2:

We're all entitled to poor decisions.

Speaker 1:

We are all entitled to poor decisions. I like that we are. We've all done it. Who knows what we would have done? Who knows if we had lived the same life as Keith, if we would have been in the same position, given the same exact circumstances, if we would have done the same thing and taken the same path?

Speaker 2:

we would still deserve to be found and searched for, at the very least, very basic human aid and ultimately, even if he has a warrant for arrest or charges or felt whatever, you're innocent until proven guilty also. So yes, Sure are there these allegations, yeah, but that doesn't mean he's guilty of the crime either. Exactly.

Speaker 1:

You know Sharman. She's worked tirelessly to find her son and I wanted to know what do you think happened, sharman? What do you think happened? Well, get this. According to coworkers of Keith's, the coworker confirmed that Keith's father, baba, came to Keith's RV the morning he was missing and removed many of Keith's clothes and personal belongings. Why would he do this? Let's get down to some theories, shall we? Because that's the same morning he calls Sharman and says our son didn't show up for work. Can you get ahold of him? And so what? His next linear line of thought is let's go take his clothes out of the RV. Why? Why wouldn't it be? Let's see what happens. What are the theories? Okay, so yeah, let's. I mean, you can come up with some of these too. These are, I mean, basically some of the first things we think about is let's go to the basic one. Did his father need clothes for himself? Was he an opportunist? Did he want some clothes? Doesn't seem likely. I see your face, I know, but I'm just starting with the most basic.

Speaker 2:

I'm wondering if he thought that they were contaminated with methamphetamine chemicals and would somehow get traced back to Baba or something. Oh, Because when somebody is in a meth house, I mean everything has to get disposed of.

Speaker 1:

I wonder if he would take the whole damn RV. Then yeah I mean a couple of items doesn't make sense. No, it doesn't make sense, but that is very Walter White breaking. Bad thinking of you. I'm pretty bad breaking.

Speaker 2:

I'm pretty bad at breaking Bad breaking.

Speaker 1:

We have some breakdowns every now and then, don't we? We take turns, though. Okay, so then let's go to the next one. Let's go to extreme. Did his father pick up the clothes for Keith because he knew where Keith was? Oh, I didn't even thought about that. Look, I'm not accusing, I'm just pondering and I'm just anticipating potential questions that many of you guys our friends listening might have about this case, and I wanna anticipate how far did Baba live where the accident was?

Speaker 1:

Well, baba was in a hotel, and I believe it's about 40 minutes away from the accident, because he was not living permanently in that town, he was taking a job there. So while he had that job he was at a hotel. And moving on with that theory, did Keith's dad pick Keith up or did someone else pick Keith up? You know we saw that he was flagging down cars. Did somebody find him and drop him off at his dad's hotel Motel? Did he lay low there? And is that where Keith ended up going missing? Did someone else come get Keith?

Speaker 1:

I mean, they're not that far from the border. They're not that far from the border, that's true. Did he get involved with the wrong drug crowd and was something done to Keith because of that? Was this drug centered? Was there a panic? Did he want to get out of the state because he believed he had killed someone and went into panic mode? Some people wonder if Baba went into protecting my son mode. Did he just help him lay low for a moment? Why would he take his clothes out of the car?

Speaker 2:

seat. I don't think that he would think to call Charmin, though, and say our son is missing Unless he was trying to come up with a cover. I mean, that's a lot of like that takes a lot of thought power to think ahead to that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think so too, and knowing what I know little of Sharman thus far is, I would imagine that Bubba would know that Sharman would not rest until her son is found.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so that's I mean that started the ball on finding him Absolutely.

Speaker 1:

So that's a really good question. And in defense for Bubba, maybe he's not involved at all. Yeah, or maybe all he did was let Keith sleep there the night and Keith was gonna come back to work the next day, or but he didn't have a car anymore. It's very, very confusing, but I cannot stop coming back to why the heck did he take Keith's freaking clothes?

Speaker 2:

that morning. How did Bubba know he didn't show up to work? Though I mean Keith's, an adult did work. Call Bubba.

Speaker 1:

Well, they worked on the same site. Oh, bubba and Keith then yeah, that's why Bubba was in town living out of that motel at the time, while he had this contract on this job where he joined Keith.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I didn't realize that, okay.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there are some theories that Keith was in trouble for drug money, a drug debt that wasn't his debt, that somebody else that Keith ran around with ended up blaming and putting the drug debt onto Keith, so Keith ended up having a target on his back. Very interesting theory. It came to me out of confidence you looking at me like what I mean that's so unrelated to what happened.

Speaker 2:

He wasn't an accident.

Speaker 1:

He wasn't an accident. But let's okay, let's tie the strings. He was an accident. He goes to lay low, but when you are on drugs, what do you need more of Drugs? So you call the same people, the same people you're running around with, to get more drugs and something could have happened to him not related to the accident. Something could have happened relating to the people he was around, yeah, and it could have happened days later, weeks later. We don't know, and that is so frustrating. I can't imagine what the family oh man what the family goes through.

Speaker 2:

You know?

Speaker 1:

did the police follow up with Bubba?

Speaker 1:

Did they look at the motel cameras? Were there cameras at the motel? Did they interview the housekeepers? They could likely tell if there was more than one person in that place. What we know right now is we don't know and the answer I'm just gonna go ahead and say it's likely. Not that they didn't follow up with that. I don't think it's likely that they did an extensive that search for him. Just saying, based off of previous behaviors and what we've heard so far, I don't think that this was done. But that would be a very quick indicator to know.

Speaker 1:

Okay, if Keith went to the motel he would be on camera a parking lot camera or something it may be. In a lobby you gotta eat. Also, keith's computer and wallet were in the truck on the scene, but his phone wasn't. His cell phone was not. Did they track it? They don't. So Sharmin was able to access his records and was able to see that he made some phone calls that night before. She did not have the timestamps and that's when, like, why was this not a warrant to get his phone records? Why would the police not do that? We could find out who he called. We could find out the the towers the tracking?

Speaker 1:

did it ping when?

Speaker 1:

was his yes, where was his location? Why was this not done? Okay, so you think this guy is a druggy? Okay, cool. But what about also the part where you do your job because you think he's in trouble, because you think he's causing trouble, you wanna find him to prevent anything else from happening? You have this guy who's doing negligent, careless behaviors now on the loose. Wouldn't you want to do everything to secure him, whether or not you're looking for him because he has a warrant or because he's a missing person? Why aren't we looking for him Period? Why are we doing more To not only help prevent something else from happening to someone else in the future, but to prevent something from happening to him too? He's clearly in a distressed situation, no matter.

Speaker 2:

And, I'm sorry, the family of the person that was so badly injured, the victim in this. They want to find a person too, so that somebody can pay all these medical bills and be responsible.

Speaker 1:

It's heartbreaking that this innocent person was a consequence of decisions made and actions taken. And could it be, though, that Joe balls were dropped left and right here because, like we said, keith was believed to be strung out on drugs and he fled a scene where an innocent driver was almost killed? It's hard to have empathy when you think that somebody fled a scene knowingly after they injured someone for self-preservation. I get it, I get it, I do, but, like we always say, you gotta do your job. You've got to do the job that you took a note to do and to stand up for, and we don't know what else they've been doing. We do know that there was a search conducted as recently as October 2023.

Speaker 1:

Okay, they finally did a search and a volunteer K-9 team came out that's been working really close with Sharman and were searching for human remains. They did not find anything. Even a Red Cross came out and provided food and water for the volunteers and the searchers and the police and nothing. Nothing came out of that. I mean, five years later they would be able to pick up on sense of human remains. The dogs are trained to ignore animal remains. It is a hunting area, so that would make sense, why those dogs would be trained to ignore animal remains. Wow, but yeah, so as of recently when is he?

Speaker 1:

You know, if he fled the scene it would make sense that he's not in that area. But some people wonder what if he was injured and then died somewhere locally?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's what my yeah when I was talking about the head injury. I'm wondering if he fled to Mexico.

Speaker 1:

That is a theory you cannot rule out. For any case, where anybody goes missing that close to the border, whether they were kidnapped, whether they fled their own volition yeah, I mean sex trafficking is not Drug cartels like it's. Yeah, yeah, exactly in that close and knowing the circles he was already running in, yeah, you've already got one degree of separation. It wouldn't be that hard to believe that that could happen. In a September 2023 article titled Keith Robertson Still Missing After Five Years, by reporter Ely Casaro, I wanna read this to you, okay. Quote Keith worked long hours for weeks or months at a time, taking only a week or two off in between. Before the accident, he was working as a supervisor north of Azona, texas. Keith's father joined him in working at the location and was staying in a hotel a few miles east of Azona. Keith was staying in his RV as he usually did for work.

Speaker 1:

On the evening of September 5th 2018, keith left work, headed eastbound on I-10 towards San Antonio, Texas. Keith called his mother when he left town. His mother said Keith sounded exhausted from work that day. Keith told his mother he was going to his dad's hotel to get some money for groceries, but he never arrived. Keith's mother said he did not seem out of sorts or under any influence at the time of their conversation. End quote Interesting. It shows intent to go to his father's hotel. It shows intent of communicating with his father. It shows that he knew where his father was. The address it's very interesting. If he was not on drugs, could he have been so exhausted that it was a head injury, some kind of disoriented state?

Speaker 1:

And the truth is we just we- just we can't know and we can't rule out that innocent explanation too, just because he has a history of drugs. Yeah, I'd like to know where his phone was pinging that night.

Speaker 1:

Like we really need to know that, and I would also like the records to his father's phone. Yeah, I don't think we can justify that, but is there a way we could build a case to get those, or even just ask him can we, can you turn those over for us so we can rule you out, so we could stop wasting our time on this resource? Does mom think dad's?

Speaker 2:

a suspect. Yes, oh yes. No wonder why she regrets having him involved in his life.

Speaker 1:

Yes, oh Does well? Not a suspect in hurting Keith, but knowing where he's at? Yes, yeah. Involvement, yeah, yes. Does this mother believe that Keith is still alive? No, sadly no. Her son was so close with her, they spoke every week. She said after the second Christmas that came and went where he did not call her, she knew that her son was dead, but could he be alive? Yeah, we have to go down that road, maybe, you know. Until confirmation of his death, has she hired a medium? No, I'm not sure, joe.

Speaker 2:

I'd be so fascinating.

Speaker 1:

It would be fascinating. Some of her are quackery but I think some of them are real. It is really interesting. Huh, interesting, my mind is Cindy Caza, that's who I'd be hiring right now. Is that the Long Island medium?

Speaker 2:

No, oh, she's better, I just know her by her hair.

Speaker 1:

Shout out, cindy.

Speaker 2:

Caza Okay.

Speaker 1:

Until confirmation of death, there always has to be a small sliver of hope. Could he have fled the country with the aid of friends or the aid of his father, as some reports believe? She believes? Sharmin believes that Keith's father did help Keith lay low, but after Keith left his father's aid, that's when something happened to Keith and his father was not involved in that. As far as her belief and she believes this because Keith, according to her, did not help with any of the search efforts for his son she believes he knows more than he is letting on and she also believes that whatever happened to Keith happened, like I said, after he left his father.

Speaker 1:

Could this be drug related? Yeah, yeah. Could it be mental health related? Yeah, could it be both? Absolutely. Could it be that he is on the run out of fear of consequences for his actions or physical injury? Absolutely, absolutely. Whatever the reasons, whatever the outcome, we really pray that Keith is brought home. There are full hearts and full lives behind every missing person's story y'all, and to feel like there's not enough being done to find the person you love the most in this world must be agonizing. The similarities to Kay Lana Turner's story are uncanny and our hearts really do go out to everyone who is affected. But we have questions. Why does the sheriff of Sharman's hometown her childhood friend his name is Trace Hendricks why does he have to put pressure on Sutton County in order for them to activate basic search protocols? Yeah, get this. Sutton County wouldn't collect Sharman's DNA and submit it to this database, but Trace Hendricks was able to easily do it by ordering the kit himself and sending it in themselves, really Easily.

Speaker 1:

I wanted to make sure that you have a place to go to get involved with this case or to follow along in case to speak, resonated with you and spoke with you. So if you feel led to, this is from Ely's article that I mentioned above, quote Sharman, along with family and friends and many volunteers, continue to search for Keith Robertson. There is a $15,000 reward for the return of Keith to his family, dead or alive. If you have information regarding where Keith Dirty Robertson may be, please contact the Sutton County Sheriff's Office at 325-387-2288 or the Crockett County Sheriff's Office at 325-392-2661. For more information or updates, trace and Sharman have started a Facebook page titled Bring Keith Home, end quote. If you are in the Ozona or Sonora area, please help spread this case locally.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes it just takes one share to change the course of a case and you guys, it could come from you. I want to leave with a quote from Keith's mother which I believe really exemplifies what we also believe here as a core value. At True Cramming Headlines quote even if his drug use has anything to do with this, it shouldn't make him less important than any other missing person. End quote. I agree Help bring Keith home, guys. You matter and you, yes, you deserve to be found. We love you, guys, and we'll see you next week.

Speaker 2:

And me. Thank you, I'll see my mama as a podcaster. Bye too.

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