True Crime & Headlines with Jules + Jen

Headlines:Trending Stories in True Crime and Previously Reported Case Updates // (Mini)Episode 17

January 18, 2024 AnnLee Audio House LLC Season 1 Episode 17

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So, what is a headlines episode? This is something I’ve been wanting to do for a while- since I release new episodes each Wednesdays, a Headlines mini episode will be released... whenever.
I’ll be recording them when there are some major headlines in the true crime circuit. Some stories may be cases I’ve already covered and they’ll be updates, and some will be trending headlines. 

Let’s go!

Today's Updates:
Long Island Serial Killer 
Elijah McClain Case

Gypsy Rose Blanchard
Idaho University Murder Victims

Love you!

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Speaker 1:

Hi everybody. It's Jules with True Cremant Headlines. Happy 2024. I'm back. Hey, I missed you. I'm glad you're back. Thank you for being here and thanks for hanging out with Jules. That's me, true Cremant Headlines with Jules.

Speaker 1:

Jo is taking a step away from True Cremant Headlines, which is a decision I absolutely fully support and respect, albeit I'm sad because I'm codependent and obsessed with my best friend. But she is such an amazing person and she's constantly analyzing where her best efforts and time are spent. And right now she's going to take a step back and just continue to pour into her family and I 100% believe that is the right choice for Jo. The door is always open when she's ready to come back and my arms are always open to hold her. And, like I said, she's my sister, my family. We talk twice a day like clockwork and our kids are best friends. There's no background drama or tea, and I'm so sorry to be boring, but we'll save the drama and tea for the podcast episodes. How's that? But, jo, we love you. Thank you for all of your work and effort you've put into True Cremant Headlines. I know that we value you and your expertise and your funny wit. So go Nebraska one last time for you. All right, guys, I will have different co-hosts on throughout the season, so you will have to be in the lookout for collaborations with other women owned and operated True Cremant podcasts.

Speaker 1:

And don't forget I'm going as a patron, so I bought my ticket, and I'm going as a viewer or true crime fan. I don't know how to say that. I am not an exhibitor and I'm not on podcast row. Maybe one day in the future that is a goal of mine, but I will be at CrimeCon in Nashville this May at the Upper Land Hotel. I would love to meet you. Let me know if you're going.

Speaker 1:

One last thing if you're enjoying this podcast and you have not yet left a five star review or rating, may I beg you, beg you to please do that. It takes just a quick moment to leave a five star review or rating. But what it does for me on the creator side is it gives me more credibility in the True Crime community and when people are scrolling looking for a new True Crime podcast, they'll see the five star reviews and ratings and they're more likely to click on True Crime and headlines, which gives me more longevity in this process, because I am here for the long run. I have lots of goals with Anley Audio House LLC and you know I'm producing my first investigative long form podcast this year, in 2024, missing in Husttown. So any type of credibility I can receive before that launch will just help us search for Jennifer and Adriana Wicks, which is what the podcast focuses on in season one. And if you would like to donate to my podcast ventures, always invite that. You can click on support my show in the show notes where we're listening, and if you click buy me a coffee, you can choose how many coffees to buy and all that money will go directly to my podcast efforts and I will give you a shout out on the next episode. So this is a headlines episode and, you guys, this is something I've really been wanting to do for a while, where you know we will continue to release new episodes each Wednesday, but a headlines episode will be released whenever. Whichever way the wind blows. I'm going to first dive into recent headlines from the true crime circulating news and then I'm going to give some much needed updates on a few cases that we've actually already covered here. If you follow any type of true crime news outlets or creators on social media, I guarantee you've heard these three words Gypsy Rose Blanchard and because we've not yet covered this case, I need to give you a brief synopsis on this case, if you're unfamiliar or just need a refresher, and then share why Gypsy Rose Blanchard has been in the news everywhere lately.

Speaker 1:

Gypsy Rose Blanchard's case is quite controversial and there are numerous unknowns surrounding the specifics of this case. However, what is known is that on June 14, 2015, gypsy Rose, who is 23 at the time, was missing from her family home she shared with her mother, who also moonlighted as Gypsy's full-time caregiver Dee Dee Blanchard Now Dee Dee wasn't her mother's real name. It's alleged that she changed her name to assume a new identity after family members were suspicious over the way Dee Dee treated her daughter, gypsy Rose. Gypsy Rose was wheelchair bound and relied on multiple medications to keep her healthy and alive. She even had an oxygen tank and a feeding tube, y'all. But in reality, it would later be discovered that not only does Gypsy Rose not even need a wheelchair, but she did not need any of the medication her mother gave her. Nor did she have any of the conditions which mother Dee Dee told her she had and told everyone else anyone who would listen that she had, and these were the conditions as follows leukemia, asthma and muscular dystrophy. And you know, dee Dee also claimed that because Gypsy Rose was born premature, she had the mental capacity of a seven-year-old. So when Dee Dee was found murdered in her own bed with multiple stab wounds on her back on June 14th 2015, people were rightfully so immediately worried about Gypsy Rose and where she was, was she abducted. Now there's a young woman who was told to pretend to be much younger than she actually was, by the way, who was wheelchair bound and now missing.

Speaker 1:

This case immediately garners national attention. Now I won't go into everything this case involves yet, but I will say that Gypsy Rose was found. She was found alive and she was with a man named John Goadijohn, who she met online and began a romantic relationship with previously. I am going to cover this case in its entirety because it's absolutely multifaceted and there are so many moving parts which will blow your mind, but I do want to tell you now. Gypsy Rose's boyfriend at the time of the murder of Dee Dee Blanchard was found guilty of first-degree murder of Dee Dee Blanchard and armed criminal action. He was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole for that, plus an additional 25 years. Now, gypsy Rose, along with John, both claimed that it was John who did the actual stabbing, which led to the subsequent death of Dee Dee Blanchard, gypsy Rose which I will go into depth about the plan and the involvement in the full episodes coming up for y'all she was found guilty of second-degree murder and she was sentenced to 10 years in prison. Now here's what is trending as of December 28th 2023. Gypsy Rose Blanchard was released from prison on parole after serving just eight of her 10-year sentence.

Speaker 1:

I am going to really dig into this case, you guys, in the future, and there's a really big debate about this case. Okay, there are multiple debates about this case and I'll give you some of the big questions now that we will dive into in the future. Some of them are was Gypsy Rosa victim? Did DD Blanchard have to die to stop the abuse of Gypsy Rose? Did DD Blanchard have Munchausen by proxy? Was Gypsy Rose rescued by her boyfriend? Should he have gotten a life sentence and should she have been able to get out? Gypsy Rose is known nationwide and she has accumulated over 8 million followers on Instagram now and her account is at GypsyRose underscore A underscore Blanchard.

Speaker 1:

The next trending story is from a case I have not covered, but it is so well known and recent and it's ongoing. It's the murders of four college students from the University of Idaho in Moscow, idaho. You might know this case as the Idaho murders. Now, on November 13, 2022, a killer entered the residence where six students were sleeping and he brutally murdered four of them. The victims were all young, young 20s, full of life, loving and full of promise. Their names are Ethan Chappan, kaylee Convales, zana Cronodal, madison Mogan. Brian Coburger, a criminology graduate student at Washington State University, was arrested on four counts of first degree murder for the four previous individuals I just named, and for one count of felony burglary. And this case is still ongoing. And it's crazy guys.

Speaker 1:

The home where the murders occurred was actually donated to the university by the property owner, and a college spokesperson announced that the University of Idaho's plans to follow through with the demolition of this house were in action. Still, you know the university believes it will help bring closure to the student population by tearing this house down and help the community be able to move forward. The home is in a very popular spot, you know. It's just across the street from campus and multiple students walk and drive by this house all the time, so you can imagine the type of trauma that would bring up in many of the community members. The murders are never far off their minds. You guys, and especially if you have to pass it all the time, I don't know where do you stand. Should they have torn the house down? Should they have not? I'm curious.

Speaker 1:

Multiple sources report that the demolition of this house was opposed by some of the victim's families. Now, according to an article by the Guardian, betsy Reed writes quote Some of the victims families have opposed a demolition, calling for the house to be preserved until after the man accused of the slayings has been tried. Brian Koberger, a former criminology graduate student at Washington State University in neighboring Pullman, washington, has been charged with four counts of murder. End quote. As of today, the house has been demolished and flattened and you can go and look this up and read more about their plans to make it a grassy area and to make it something that it was not before the demolition, which before it was a symbol of evil and tragedy and death. This case is ongoing. If you want to look up the case and follow it along, look up the University of Idaho murders, the Idaho murders and the Moscow Idaho murders. Those search terms will get you into the case.

Speaker 1:

I will not be covering this story in its entirety, but many other podcasts have, so go wherever you get your podcasts and search the Idaho state murders and you'll find multiple podcast creators who have covered this case and done a really great job on it. Now we have to update you on some cases that we have covered, and I'm really excited to do this because some of them are moving forward in the right direction for justice. So the first one I have to update you on the Long Island Serial Killer, also known as the Gilgo Beach Murders case. If you haven't listened to our coverage on this case yet, you'll absolutely want to go and go back to episode 12, the Long Island Serial Killer, parts one through three. This is a case which is currently occurring and it's about to blow up on television.

Speaker 1:

The man charged with the Gilgo Beach Murders, rex Euriman, age 60, was married to a woman named Asa El-Rup, age 59. And Asa just signed an exclusive contract with TV network Peacock for a project on her ex-husband Rex Euriman. And get this, guys. There are three producers on this project. Cameras have already been spotted around Asa's home and it's already in the midst of production. 50 Cent, the rapper, is one of the producers. His company, g-unit Productions, along with Texas Crew Productions and New York Post Entertainment, are all listed as producers.

Speaker 1:

Now, according to a Rolling Stone article, asa is being compensated for this project. There are rumors from numerous publications that Asa is receiving at minimum $1 million $1 million but the Rolling Stone article states quote a Peacock spokesperson tells Rolling Stone that El-Rup was not paid for her participation in the series and has no creative control over it, but she was paid a standard licensing fee for use of her archival material. That money, however, cannot go towards Euriman or his defense funds. End quote Oof, okay, the money can't go to his defense because New York law prohibits it. Defendants from selling their story to the media are prohibited by New York law. It's the law that says they can't sell their story in New York to the media. They cannot profit off of it if they're clearly a current defendant.

Speaker 1:

However, I believe that Peacock just spun it around to sound ethical, because no mention from them that it's because they're not allowed to. They're just upping and saying, hey, we did this. They're paying her for the archival material. How do they justify how much they're paying her for? I guess what I'm saying is let's create a flow chart. Is Aisa Ellarup being paid by Peacock? Yes or no? Yes, she yes.

Speaker 1:

Now, whether or not it's for her archival material or not, she's still getting paid. She's still making money off the story of her ex-husband's alleged involvement as a serial killer of innocent victims. What they're doing is shifting the focus by controlling the narrative and telling us she isn't being paid for her participation in the series, but this doesn't mean Peacock is not cutting her a check. And so is she being paid for her involvement in this Peacock series on her ex-husband, who is accused of being the Long Island serial killer and the killer of the gilgote. For yes, yes, y-e-s, yes. Is she capitalizing off the backs of potential victims of her husband? You know that's the question which is being asked for multiple sources. Here's what we also need to ask why isn't the ex-wife of an accused serial killer being investigated as a potential suspect as well?

Speaker 1:

There appears to be enough maybe just enough information to not rule Aisa out as completely innocent. According to Aisa, she was out of town during the murders, but then again, anything she does say in this documentary y'all can be used against her, and that is anything she says while she's mic'd up. Anything that ends up on the cutting room floor can be used against her. I am curious where the victims' families come into play here. It was noted in the Rolling Stone article that Peacock did reach out to all of the families of the victims and none of them wanted to be involved or return their calls. Well, no kidding. You're paying a suspected serial killer's ex-wife a lot of money, a woman who was with him for 27 years, a woman who has not proven that she knew absolutely nothing beyond claiming she knew nothing, who wouldn't be absolutely livid?

Speaker 1:

What amount of this money is going into the victims' funds? How is Peacock giving back? This is where the ethical side of true crime documenting comes into play. Are we helping or hurting efforts to understand and stop heinous acts like this one? Ethics and true crime is a tricky one, because it is also a big entertainment niche and we cannot get away from that. That would be a hibiker if I said that it was not an entertainment niche, but we also have to always go back to victims first. And is any of the money, any of the profit that Peacock is going to get from this series? Going to go into a victim fund? That is my question. What do they do to give back Full disclosure? I haven't looked into the details of what Peacock plans to do. I wasn't able to see immediately and I did dig into it. So that's my question. If you're able to find it, let me know guys. If not, let me know. Let's get our eyes on this all together.

Speaker 1:

Heeromin has pleaded not guilty and he was charged with first degree murder for three of the four women found deceased on Gilgoy Beach Melissa Barthelamy, megan Waterman and Amber Costello. Next up is an update from episode 15, part one and two the death of Elijah McClain the case with legal accountability. Who was responsible for his death? The two paramedics who arrived on scene and administered the lethal dose of the sedative ketamine to 23 year old African-American Elijah McClain. They went on trial and, as of November 2023, there were verdicts that were made and were handed out to the two paramedics. In an article from AP News by reporters Colleen Slavin and Michael Brown, they write quote the jury on Friday found Aurora Fire Rescue Paramedics Jeremy Cooper and Peter Sitchinuik guilty of criminally negligent homicide. Following a weeks-long trial in state district court, they could face years in prison. At sentencing, the jury also found Sitchinuik guilty on one of two second-degree assault charges. End quote. Now, you guys, because Peter Sitchinuik was also found guilty of second-degree assault and Jeremy Cooper was not, sitchinuik was immediately taken into police custody and Jeremy Cooper was not immediately taken into custody. So he is still awaiting his sentencing hearing but not in jail Now. There will be that sentencing hearing for both of them coming up soon. So you want to look that up and follow that story. I would use the keywords Elijah McClain, paramedic verdict, and that will bring those up for you.

Speaker 1:

On a non-serious note, I want to go on record and say I'm very aware that I said corroded instead of corroded multiple times. It was brought to my attention by my husband multiple times. And here's the deal Sometimes I say words funny. I will try to do a better job of making sure I get names and words correct, because I don't want it to distract from the story ever. So I will go ahead and say corroded hold, corroded hold. All right, hey guys, thank you for joining me. I love you so much.

Speaker 1:

Please, please, rejoin me back next week as we continue on with our series of true crime and headlines season one will end in March, at our one year anniversary, and I cannot wait to deliver some of the craziest stories for you guys. If you have cases that you want me to cover, send them over to me. I am getting so many recommendations and referrals for lesser known cases and those are ones I really want to make sure I cover. So if I can help you, help your family, help somebody you love, somebody you know, somebody from your town that's missing, shoot me an email truecrime and headlines podcast at gmailcom, or shoot me a message on Instagram at truecrime and headlines. Hey, you're loved, you're amazing, you're needed here. If you're having a bad day I promise they won't always be bad days Stay with us. You matter and you know what your butt looks great. Bye, besties, and late I'll see you. My mama is a podcaster. Bye, chip.

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